I’m accustomed to the occasional warm day here and there during our cold November months, but 2020 has been anything but “normal”, so I was glad not to plant any Garlic until AFTER that very warm week-long spell we experienced earlier this month. I am sure the Garlic would have sprouted had they been planted back in September. This is quite exciting, being the first-time planting Garlic. And who knew my old hockey stick would make for a great garden tool!!??!! Both ends, might I add. I marked up a 2x4 every 5 inches making it super easy with 130 holes ready in no time.

This years’ warmer than usual temps extended our growing season until this weekend when it was decided to finally pack it all in. Lettuce, Kale and Swiss Chard were no problem converting into meals but the green onions were a bit too much to consume, so thanks to my mom’s tip, they’ve been processed and are in the freezer for future use.

This year’s butternut squash harvest was impressive. These beauties can last a long time if properly stored, but I decided to prep a huge pot of soup this weekend. Yummy.

It was also time to ransack the fridge to see what was left to process. Jalapenos yielded another 2 jars of pickled peppers. But I was pleasantly surprised to see the chilies all still looking lovely.

Bam! Hot Chili Paste for winter use.